
Why are vaccine important for your children?

Vaccines are made for diseases which are common and life threatening. The disease can be prevented from occuring simply by vaccinating your child and potentially saving the life of the child.

What vaccines are available for children BCG?

Bacille Calmitte Guerin- First vaccine helps prevent severe forms of Tuberculosis. Diphtheria, Pertussis, tetanus: Once life threatening diseases. These disease are seen much rarely now due to increased vaccine coverage. We must keep up the good work.


Once a debilitating and crippling disease. It is near eradication due to intensive vaccination efforts in the world. Each child should receive Polio at birth, and as part of routine immunisation- guided by your Pediatrician.

H. Influenzae, Pneumococcal

Both these disease can cause severe Pneumonias, blood and brain infections in children. Once a leading cause of mortality in children less than 5 years of age. Your Pediatrician can guide you for the best vaccine for your child.

Hepatitis B and A

Both these vaccines prevent infection by these viruses which may cause life long crippling jaundice and even cancers later in life. Few doses can help prevent the disease from occuring and help your children lead a Healthy and Productive Life.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella

All these disease are known to cause illnesses with fever and rashes. Most importantly, they cause the dreaded complications of severe pneumonias, inflammation of testes, brain infections, and abortions/ abnormal babies in pregnant women. Vaccines prevent infections and save lives.


Influenza vaccine is used to prevent debilitating diseases like Bird Flu. Swine flu etc- which when severe- can lead to life threatening Pneumonias. A Yearly shot is recommended for all small children 6 months onwards, and your pediatrician can help you to know if you need yearly shots regularly.


A very common illness in our country, leading to high fever, loose stools, pain abdomen, and affects liver and intestines routinely. May affect heart, brain and other organs in severe cases. Only a single dose can help the disease from occurring. That means more school, play and a better life.

Varicella/ Chicken Pox

Also called “Mata” in some parts of the country. This is a disease with fever and rash all over the child’s body. The disease can lead to complications like Pneumonia, brain infections etc. It can also lead to chronic life long infections. The disease is vaccine preventable with 2-3 doses of the vaccine.

Meningococcal Vaccine

This bacteria is known to cause severe, life threatening illness involving all organs of the body- especially the blood and brain. The illness can be prevented by 2 doses of the vaccine at 12 and 13 months of age.

Japanese Encephalitis

This was once a disease restricted to only some areas of our country, Recent data has confirmed the spread of the disease into other states. Ask your Pediatrician if children residing in your state is eligible to receive this vaccine. The disease causes a life threatening brain fever.

Covid Vaccine

This is a new vaccine against the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic which has hit the world since December 2019. The vaccine was created seeing the number of illnesses and deaths it caused. The vaccine is approved in children above 12 years of age. Pregnant women and Breast feeding mothers can and should get the vaccine safely, as the mother pass the immunity to their children through blood and milk.

Cervical Cancer/ HPV Vaccine

Cancer of the cervix- mouth of the uterus, is one of the leading causes of cancers and death in women. The disease also affects men- causing warts and they transmit the virus to women. HPV is the virus known to lead to these cancers, which is now preventable with 2 doses of the vaccine. The vaccine is beneficial to everyone especially before they become sexually active. Ask us for more details.